All boys and girls will get free laptop, apply quickly from here AICTE Free Laptop Yojana

 All boys and girls will get free laptop, apply quickly from here AICTE Free Laptop Yojana AICTE Free Laptop Yojana: Education is very important for everyone. It develops the personality of a person and he can play his role in the society. But due to poverty many people are not able to get education. Therefore, the government has started many schemes to help students from poor families to get education.

Introduction to Free Laptop Scheme

One such scheme is 'Free Laptop Scheme'. Under this scheme, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is providing free laptops to poor students. The name of this scheme is 'One Student One Laptop Scheme'. Its objective is that no student should be deprived of education due to financial reasons.

Benefits of the scheme

There are many benefits of this scheme. With this, students will be able to get digital education and improve their technical knowledge. They will be able to do online courses and look for new opportunities. Also, with a laptop, they will be able to give a new direction to their career.

Eligibility and Application Process

There are some conditions to avail the benefits of this scheme. The applicant must be an Indian citizen and must study in an institute recognized by AICTE. He must have a degree or diploma in a technical field.

To apply, the applicant has to visit the AICTE website and click on the link available there. He has to fill the registration form and submit the required documents.

Required Documents

Some documents have to be submitted at the time of application, such as Aadhar card, residence certificate, college ID and previous year mark sheet. Without these documents the application will not be accepted.

Important link

Selection of Beneficiaries

Under the scheme, beneficiaries will be selected on the basis of their financial status and educational qualification. Students who are below the poverty line and have scored good marks will be given priority.

Free Laptop Scheme is a boon for poor students. With this, they will be able to complete their education and fulfill their dreams. This scheme has brought a new ray of light in their lives, which will make their future bright.

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